Robert and I are taking Robin out for a dinner tonight that’s an adieu et bon voyage to me and an early heureux 28e anniversaire to Robin. She is coming over to help me pack this afternoon. She worked at Old Navy during her college years and is an Olympic champion folder.
Here’s everything spread out on the table. The chairs behind, from left to right – what I’m wearing on the plane, the empty suitcase, and the empty carry on. On the front right of the table, under the sketchbook is the outfit change for the carry on and behind it all the clothes for the trip. The rest is my trip folder, toiletries, and my homesick remedies – oatmeal and peppermint tea. Don’t Judge.
I am down to the wire now, and the daily, detailed plans for all three weeks in Paris are done and dusted. I’m much less concerned about the ten days in Amsterdam. I think I have put so much into researching Paris because It’s the opposite of London, a city I lived in for five years and formed such a strong emotional attachment to. Who knows, maybe it will turn out to be a better journey, since I am not à la recherche du temps perdu.
Yesterday I ran into a thicket of technical problems with my MacAir, so I am off to the Genius Bar today. It’s nothing that would preclude me using the light weight laptop, but irritating enough for me to finally do something about.
Last night I jumped into my B&N archive and selected several a couple of dozen of my favorite books to download to my Nook. Just to unnerve me I’m sure, my Nook choked, and kept telling me it wasn’t connected to the Internet, though it most certainly was.
After I performed electronic CPR (turned them off and on again), I resigned myself to trudging down to the B&N store for assistance today, since nothing good comes of wrestling with electronic malfeasance after 10pm. When I woke up, the glitch was gone. While I slept the IT fairy tapped the Nook and all was well. I had downloaded the Nook Mac app so I can read on my laptop should my Nook go south or be stolen, so maybe that was it. I am apparently addicted to my Nook. There, I said it.
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